
Cozmo protocol client and high-level API.


Client(robot_addr, int]] = None, …) Cozmo protocol client and high-level API class.
class pycozmo.client.Client(robot_addr: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] = None, protocol_log_messages: Optional[list] = None, auto_initialize: bool = True, enable_animations: bool = True, enable_procedural_face: bool = True)

Bases: pycozmo.event.Dispatcher

Cozmo protocol client and high-level API class.

add_handler(event, f, one_shot=False)
cancel_anim() → None
clear_screen() → None
connect() → None
del_handler(event, handler)
disconnect() → None
dispatch(event, *args, **kwargs)
display_image(im: <module 'PIL.Image' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>, duration: Optional[float] = None) → None
drive_wheels(lwheel_speed: float, rwheel_speed: float, lwheel_acc: Optional[float] = 0.0, rwheel_acc: Optional[float] = 0.0, duration: Optional[float] = None) → None
enable_animations(enabled: bool = True) → None
enable_camera(enable: bool = True, color: bool = False) → None

Enable or disable camera image streaming in color or grayscale.

enable_procedural_face(enabled: bool = True) → None
get_anim_names() → set
go_to_pose(pose: pycozmo.util.Pose, relative_to_robot: bool = False) → None

Move to a specific pose (position and orientation).

load_anims() → None
move_head(speed: float) → None
move_lift(speed: float) → None
play_anim(name: str) → None
play_anim_group(anim_group_name: str) → None
play_anim_ppclip(ppclip: pycozmo.anim.PreprocessedClip) → None
play_audio(fspec: str) → None
set_all_backpack_lights(light) → None
set_backpack_lights(left_light, front_light, center_light, rear_light, right_light) → None
set_backpack_lights_off() → None
set_center_backpack_lights(light) → None
set_head_angle(angle: float, accel: float = 10.0, max_speed: float = 10.0, duration: float = 0.0)
set_head_light(enable: bool) → None
set_lift_height(height: float, accel: float = 10.0, max_speed: float = 10.0, duration: float = 0.0)
set_volume(level: int) → None

Set audio output volume to a level in the range 0-65535.

start() → None
stop() → None
stop_all_motors() → None
wait_for(evt, timeout: Optional[float] = None) → None
wait_for_robot(timeout: float = 5.0) → None